Tube End Expansion Products from Tridan International
Tube End Sizer – BTM
The TRIDAN Model BTM-1 TUBE END SIZER is a semi-portable hand-held device designed for the sizing of thin-walled copper tubing of diameters 3/8″ (9.525mm) to 3/4″ (19.05mm).
Tube End Sizer – BFA
The TRIDAN Models BFA-2H & BFA-2V TUBE END SIZER & FLARERS are portable handheld devices designed for the sizing and flaring of thin-walled copper tubes of diameters 5/16″ (7.94mm) to 5/8″ (15.875mm).
Tube End Sizer/Air Operated – BTP
The Model BTP-3 Tube End Sizer is one of a family of four tube end sizers built by TRIDAN. The Model BTH-2 Tube End Sizer is a hydraulically powered version of the BTP-3, and uses the same tube end sizing collets.
Tube End Sizer/Hydraulic – BTH
The Model BTH-2 Tube End Sizer is one of a family of four tube end sizers built by TRIDAN. Being hydraulically powered, it has an increased capacity for tubes of different materials with larger diameters and heavier wall thicknesses.