Heat Dissipation Cooling Fins, Coils and More

Heat Dissipation Cooling Fins, Coils and More

Heat Dissipation

Heat dissipation is essential in the HVAC industry. The heat that is created during the manufacturing process or on the end output product can be the thing that kills the item. When it is your job to dissipate the heat that is being created then you need the right equipment. 

Call The Experts

That’s when it is time to call in the experts who have the knowledge and the expertise to make sure that things can be created without the heat output fouling the item. We offer heat fins that will pull the heat away and keep the cool that is needed. Also, we are experts in designing heat fins. We have the tools you need for your manufacturing process. Folded fins are one of our primary machine creations. However, we also offer specialized controls, assembly systems, feeding, and cutting, robotics, swaging, roll forming, sawing, and wing bending to mention a few of what we have to offer to you. 

Serving Your Needs

Tridan International has been serving the needs of heat exchange and dissipation to industries just like yours since the year 2000. We are quite proud of our entire staff which has one primary focus. That focus is on helping you with your needs. Whatever you may be manufacturing, whether it be something huge with tons of heat being generated or something a little smaller such as computers, we have the solutions you need to get rid of the heat. If we don’t have something that will work for you right now, our engineering staff can create the right cooling fins for you. Possibly it will be something as simple as modifying machinery we currently have to offer. If you need another solution, we will work to create just what you need.

Many of our customers serve the automotive industry and are located in Michigan, Illinois, or Ohio. We also have customers from many other industries. Some of our clients need the ability to create fins for a wide variety of items. Some of these items are things that we use every day and some are rather obscure. It doesn’t matter to us what you are manufacturing. Our focus is on helping you to create the products that you make and doing what it takes to keep things working by keeping the heat away.

Cooling Designed Items

So far we have mainly focused on fin cooling. But let’s not forget that we also offer tube fabrication, coil expansion, micro channel tube processing along lubricants used to keep things running smoothly or carry the heat away. If we don’t already have it, we will work closely with you to create the specially designed item you need.  

All of our products are designed to be dependable and durable. But as we all know, there are times when even the best products need service. We are here for regular maintenance or for those times when something comes up suddenly. Call us. Call us whenever repair, maintenance, or repair is needed. Even if the cooling product is not something originally made by us. We can easily work on items made by any of the other manufacturers of heat exchange products.

Finally, at Tridan, we are here to help you keep your cool with quality products and to help you keep your products cool with heat transfer and heat dissipation machines.